

Enter the 2022 Able Muse Write Prize  Enter the 2022 Able Muse Write Prize

Able Muse Contest Deadlines and Other Reminders


** BOOK AWARD - Deadline: March 31, 2011


Book Award for poetry manuscript -- $100 for winning manuscript plus book publication by Able Muse PressABLE MUSE BOOK AWARD (Poetry) - $1000 prize, plus book publication 
Blind Judging by Final Judge: Andrew Hudgins 
Deadline: March 31, 2011 


Now available: Acclaimed new releases from Able Muse Press: 

Able Muse Anthology - front cover (click to enlarge)ABLE MUSE ANTHOLOGY, Edited by Alexander Pepple, foreword by Timothy Steele. 

 Featured Poet - R.P. Lister; Featured Artist - Massimo SbreniAble Muse, Inaugural PRINT EDITION, Winter 2010/20110, with poetry, fiction, book reviews, interviews, essays and art. Featured poet: R.P. Lister; Featured artist: Massimo Sbreni 
(the inaugural print edition has only received rave reviews -- one after another. If you don't have your own personal copy yet, what are you waiting for!? 


Finally, an update on the Able Muse contest: 

All the major phases now will be judged anonymously, notably, the selection of material to be shortlisted for blind judging by the final judges. The Able Muse editors will perform the shortlisting from submitted material I'll anonymize for their selection. So, you can submit with the expectation that the judging process will be as fair as possible. 

All applicable links are at the Able Muse homepage - www.ablemuse.com 




Imagine my surprise when I used a WordPerfect document [as specified in the directions on the Enter Contest Now page] only to be bleeped for using a .wpd uplink. Kindly edit your directions.

Have a nice day.



Any idea when the Able Muse Write Prize winners will be announced?  I can't find any kind of timeline or info about it on the Able Muse web site.  Thanks.

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