Three Distinguished Able Muse Authors Read - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Reading

Three Distinguished Able Muse Authors Read - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Reading
Date: Saturday, October 29, 3–4:30 P.M. EDT
Host: Carrie Green;
Join us for a virtual reading and Q&A with three acclaimed Able Muse Press authors Lorna Knowles Blake, D. R. Goodman, and Richard Newman reading from their collections--
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About the Readers:
- Lorna Knowles Blake: Winner, 2017 Able Muse Book Award with Green Hill: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2018);
- D. R. Goodman: Greed: A Confession: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2014);
- Richard Newman: All the Wasted Beauty of the World: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2014).
Lorna Knowles Blake lives in New Orleans and Cape Cod. Her first poetry collection, Permanent Address, won the Richard Snyder Award and was published by Ashland University Press in 2008. Green Hill, her second collection, won the Able Muse Book Award and was published by Able Muse Press in 2018. She currently serves as an Advisory Editor for the Hudson Review and on the advisory board of Poetry Sunday a weekly program of WCAI, Cape Cod’s public radio station. She is a former editor of Barrow Street. Her poems, translations, essays and reviews appear regularly in literary journals, both in print and online.
D. R. Goodman, a native of East Tennessee, now lives in Oakland, California, where she is founder and chief instructor at a martial arts school. Her poetry has appeared in several journals, such as Crazyhorse, Notre Dame Review, Wisconsin Review, Cold Mountain Review, Whitefish Review; and the anthology, Sonnets: 150 Contemporary Sonnets. She is the author of The Kids’ Karate Workbook: A Take-Home Training Guide for Young Martial Artists (North Atlantic/Blue Snake Books); and an illustrated chapbook, Birds by the Bay.
Greed: A Confession was a finalist for the 2013 Able Muse Book Award.
Richard Newman is the author of three books of poetry: All the Wasted Beauty of the World (Able Muse Press, 2014), Domestic Fugues (Steel Toe Books, 2009), and Borrowed Towns (Word Press, 2005). He is also the author of the novel Graveyard of the Gods (Blank Slate Press, 2016). His work has appeared in American Journal of Poetry, Best American Poetry, Boulevard, Innisfree Poetry Journal, Literary Matters, Poetry East, Tar River Poetry, Valparaiso Review, and many other magazines and anthologies. He currently teaches Creative Writing and World Literature at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco. Before moving to the Maghreb, he and his family lived in Vietnam, Japan, and the Marshall Islands.
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About the Host:
- Carrie Green: Studies of Familiar Birds: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2020).
Carrie Green earned her MFA at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and has received grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women, the Kentucky Arts Council, and the Louisiana Division of the Arts. Her poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry Northwest, River Styx, Flyway, Blackbird, Cave Wall, DIAGRAM, and many other journals.
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