Book Launch fo - Three Able Muse Press Poets Read from Their New Collections - Free Admission for All
Book-Launch Reading with Three Able Muse Authors

Book Launch - Three Able Muse Press Poets Read from Their New Collections - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Book-Launch Reading
Date: Sunday, October 8, 3-4:30 P.M. EDT
Host: Wendy Videlock;
Join us for a virtual reading and Q&A with three Able Muse Press authors David Alpaugh, Barbara Lydecker Crane, and Stephen Kampa reading from their new collections--
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About the Readers:
- David Alpaugh: Seeing the There There - Visual Poems; Spooky Action at a Distance - Double-Title Poems (respectively from Word Galaxy Press 2023, 2020);
- Barbara Lydecker Crane: You Will Remember Me - Ekphrastic Poems (Word Galaxy Press, 2023);
- Stephen Kampa: World Too Loud to Hear: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2023).
David Alpaugh is the author of Spooky Action at a Distance (Word Galaxy Press, 2020), a book of “double-title” poems, a form he invented; Seeing the There There, a book of visual poems; and Counterpoint, winner of the Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize from Story Line Press and reissued in 2021 by Red Hen Press. He has published more than four hundred poems in literary journals from Able Muse to Poetry to Zyzzyva. He is one of the contemporary poets included in the Heyday Press anthology California Poetry from the Gold Rush to the Present and has been a finalist for Poet Laureate of California. He teaches literature for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at its Cal State East Bay Campus and poetry writing at the University of California, Berkeley Extension.
Barbara Lydecker Crane’s poems have been widely published in formal-friendly journals and anthologies. Her previous poetry collections are Zero Gravitas, AlphabeTricks (for children), both published by Kelsay Books, and Back Words Logic, published by Local Gems Press. She loves writing and art making in equal measure, and also enjoys traveling, either solo or with her family.
Stephen Kampa is the author of four collections of poetry: Cracks in the Invisible, Bachelor Pad, Articulate as Rain, and World Too Loud to Hear. He is a winner of the Hollis Summers Poetry Prize, the Theodore Roethke Prize, the Collins Prize, and the Florida Book Awards Gold Medal in Poetry. He has been a resident at Art342 and at the Amy Clampitt House. His work has appeared in The Best American Poetry. He has also worked as a musician and appears on multiple albums from WildRoots Records.
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About the Host:
- Wendy Videlock: Wise to the West: Poems; Slingshots and Love Plums: Poem; The Dark Gnu and Other Poems; Nevertheless: Poems (respectively from Able Muse Press 2022, 2015, 2013, 2011).
Wendy Videlock lives on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies with her husband and their assorted critters. Her work appears in Hudson Review, Oprah Magazine, Poetry, Dark Horse, the New York Times, Best American Poetry, and other venues. Her books are available from Able Muse Press, and her upcoming collection of essays and haibun, The Poetic Imaginarium: A Worthy Difficulty (Lithic Press), appeared in mid-2022.~ ~ ~