Three Distinguished Able Muse Authors Read - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Reading

Three Distinguished Able Muse Authors Read - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Reading
Date: Saturday, July 30, 3-4:30 P.M. EDT
Host: Rebecca Starks;
Join us for a virtual reading and Q&A with three acclaimedAble Muse Press authors James Pollock, Jennifer Reeser, and Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer reading from their collections--
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About the Readers:
- James Pollock: Finalist for the Griffin Poetry Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award in Poetry, runner-up for the Posner Poetry Book Award, and winner of an Outstanding Achievement Award in Poetry from the Wisconsin Library Association with Sailing to Babylon: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2012);
- Jennifer Reeser: Indigenous: Poems; Strong Feather: Poems (respectively from Able Muse Press 2019 & forthcoming 2022);
- Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer: Naked for Tea: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2018).
James Pollock is the author of Sailing to Babylon (Able Muse Press, 2012), a finalist for the Griffin Poetry Prize and the Governor General's Award in Poetry, and winner of an Outstanding Achievement Award in Poetry from the Wisconsin Library Association; and You Are Here: Essays on the Art of Poetry in Canada (Porcupine's Quill, 2012), a finalist for the ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Award for a collection of essays. He is also editor of The Essential Daryl Hine (Porcupine's Quill), which made the Partisan's list of the best books of 2015. A new book of his poems, Durable Goods, is forthcoming from Véhicule Press/Signal Editions in 2022. His poems have appeared in the Paris Review, AGNI, the Walrus, and many other journals. They have won the Manchester Poetry Prize, the Magma Editors' Prize, and the Guy Owen Prize from Southern Poetry Review, and have been reprinted in anthologies in Canada, the US, and the UK, including The Next Wave: An Anthology of 21st Century Canadian Poetry. His essays and reviews have appeared in Contemporary Poetry Review, Canadian Notes & Queries, Literary Review of Canada, and elsewhere. He graduated from York University in Toronto, earned a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Houston, and is now Professor of English at Loras College. He lives with his wife and son in Madison, Wisconsin.
Jennifer Reeser is the author of six collections of poetry, most recently, Strong Feather (Able Muse Press, 2022), and preceding it, Indigenous (Able Muse Press, 2019), which was awarded Best Poetry Book of 2019 by Englewood Review of Books. Her first, An Alabaster Flask, was the winner of the Word Press First Book Prize. X. J. Kennedy wrote that her debut “ought to have been a candidate for a Pulitzer.” Her third, Sonnets from the Dark Lady and Other Poems, was a finalist for the Donald Justice Prize. Her fourth, The Lalaurie Horror, debuted as an Amazon bestseller in the category of Epic Poetry. Reeser’s poems, reviews, and translations of Russian, French, along with the Cherokee and various Native American Indian languages, have appeared in Poetry, Rattle, the Hudson Review, Recours au Poème, Light Quarterly, the Formalist, the Dark Horse, SALT, Able Muse, and elsewhere.
A biracial writer of Anglo-Celtic and Native American Indian ancestry, Reeser was born in Louisiana. She studied English at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and also in Tulsa, Oklahoma, her former home.
Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer lives in southwest Colorado and is the author of eleven collections of poetry. Her poems have appeared in O Magazine,, TEDx, in back alleys, on A Prairie Home Companion, and on river rocks she leaves around town. She's taught poetry for Think 360, Craig Hospital, Ah Haa School for the Arts, Weehawken Creative Arts, Camp Coca-Cola, meditation retreats, twelve-step recovery programs, hospice, and many other organizations. She's won the Fischer Prize, Rattle's Ekphrastic Challenge, the Dwell Press Solstice Prize, the Writer's Studio Literary Contest, and was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. As Colorado's Western Slope Poet Laureate (2015 2017), she created and curates Heard of Poets, an interactive poetry map. She earned her MA in English Language & Linguistics at UW-Madison. Since 2006, she's written a poem a day. One-word mantra: Adjust.
Naked for Tea was a finalist for the 2017 Able Muse Book Award.
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About the Host:
- Rebecca Starks: Fetch, Muse (Able Muse Press, 2021); Time Is Always Now (Able Muse Press, 2019).
Rebecca Starks grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, and earned a BA in English from Yale University and a PhD in English from Stanford University. She works as a freelance editor and workshop leader. Her first book of poems, Time Is Always Now, was a finalist for the 2019 Able Muse Book Award. Her poems and short fiction have appeared in Baltimore Review, Ocean State Review, Slice Literary, Crab Orchard Review, Tahoma Literary Review, and elsewhere. Winner of Rattle’s 2018 Neil Postman Award for Metaphor and past winner of Poetry Northwest’s Richard Hugo Prize, she is the founding editor-in-chief of Mud Season Review and is a board member of Sundog Poetry Center. She lives with her family and two adopted dogs in a log cabin in the woods of Richmond, Vermont.
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