2014 Results
Final Judge: Molly Peacock
(Judged anonymously throughout by the Able Muse Contest Committee and the final judge, Molly Peacock)
Congratulations to the 2014
Able Muse Book Award

Carrie Shipers
for her poetry manuscript
Embarking on Catastrophe
She wins the $1000 prize and publication by Able Muse Press, Spring/Summer 2015
Although second place is not officially a part of the contest plan or results, Molly Peacock singled out a manuscript for this special recognition, and we're pleased to announce it:

Gail White
for her poetry manuscript
Asperity Street
Scheduled for publication by Able Muse Press, Spring/Summer 2014
• Clayton Adam Clark: Strange Commerce
• William Cordeiro: Trap Street
• Heidi Czerwiec: Song Against Songs
• Midge Goldberg: The Snowman’s Code
• Sarah Grieve: Dear Dr. Frankenstein
• Patricia Hooper: Separate Flights
• Richard Meyer: Shooting Stars
• Carolyn Raphael: Dancing with Bare Feet
• William Craig Rice: New Old Stock (NOS) - Sonnets & Other Verse
Some of the top-placing shortlisted manuscripts above, in our anonymous judging process, may also be offered a standard Able Muse Press book contract
Stay tuned for the announcements coming soon for the 2015 Able Muse contests.
Subscribe now to Able Muse to read the fine work of the winners of our other contests, the 2014 Write Prize for poetry and fiction, in the forthcoming Winter 2014 issue.
2013 Able Muse Book Award WINNER
Melissa Balmain (selected by X.J. Kennedy)
Walking in on People (winner, 2013 Able Muse Book Award) - poems by Melissa Balmain
(with an foreword by David Yezzi)
. . . read more | Order your copy now!
Virtue, Big as Sin - poems by Frank Osen
(with an Afterword by Timothy Steele)
. . . read more | Order your copy now!
Dirge for an Imaginary World (winner, 2011 Able Muse Book Award) - poems by Matthew Buckley Smith
(with an foreword by Greg Williamson)
. . . read more | Order your copy now!
• (2013 Winner Announcement here)
• (2012 Winner Announcement here)
• (2011 Winner Announcement here)